Over your head and too deep? Try juxtaposition semiotics! [Transcript]

Cekan and SIMPARCH present an overview of recent discoveries of ancient icon codes that relate meaning across the ages, the cultures, and the minds of alien thinkers. Like matching up pieces in picture puzzles, tricks relating counterparts of conceptual patterns are shown in this exhibit.

HIDDEN UNDERLYING GODS: juxtaposition semiotics or the actual intended meaning

“There has got to be a way to correct false impressions”

Recent discoveries from the depths of the seas, the codes of ancient meaning that were lost so never could be understood. This is critical in all religions, but there are several ways to get the [meaning] back once you realize that everything in history was recorder with backups, whatever is changed by politicians and churchmen is not changed in other areas so the original sources can be found. Before and after pictures, some exaggerated. In ancient times, they did not write with letters the be and want to bees.

The old-time religion was in the Check but they defined it away. what they have done according to bohemian history from 1854 and then from thirty years ago the teachers said that Yahn Hoos was against the church so they dropped the discussion and pictures of Yahn Hoos that goes back to the Zoroastrians. In this way, by stripping our roots from us, we cant go back. The atta church in 1927 changed the Turkish alphabet from the Arabic to a new form of the Latin with their own circumflextions. Hitler eliminated the phony Gothic that they used. Russians like to use the syrilic alphabet except nobody else in the world will learn it because it looks funny to them. It is related to the old Slavonic and to the Hebrew but who knows that – none of this is taught.

Idols, false mental image, the messiah. Not one bible but 66 books. King james version – using john 3:16 as a nmemonic for john 23-31, verse 25 will tell you the key. Jesus was telling his disciples that he used figurative language [slanguage] and they complained. He said he was speaking in parables and they said they didn’t understand. Nicodemis did not understand Jesus’ parables and it may be that nobody understands other people’s parables. The reason he spoke in parables is that they didn’t understand what he was saying straight anyhow. The Talmud came after Jesus and it was an attempt to save the degrading Torah from its then modern distortion. Jews say the Talmud is the fence around the Torah. Before that there was the Zohar which means “splendor” or enlightenment. Zoroastrians were Persians and Mithraists. Church services now have no religion – ways that do not convey meaning. Christmas has nothing to do with Christ but with the northern tradition with the Christmas trees. Must go back and find the pieces and put them back together and correct this confusion.

FIND THE PIECES OF THESE EXPLOSIONS THROUGHOUT HISTORY and put the pieces back together – pieces like a mosaic, can be reversed to make a clear picture. That’s the task – un-garble, untwist. Remnants exist in far away places where they maintain the old rituals, ways, chants, pictures. “all the sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way”. The concept of “born again” is embedded in protestant thinking, but they made a mistake

Partial birth abortion the body comes out but not the head – this is what has happened to the mind. The east and the west are twain – they are doing it opposite. Buddists look at icons as a way to trigger thoughts in his head with the help of the chanting. icons are triggers for your internal icon. Idola in latin is a false impression – must find a way to get rid of false impressions. The best way to think about thought is that there is a muttering instinct down underneath you in the bottom level of your “outhouse” which you think is your “inhouse”. And you are looking down with a flashlight from your tailbone and picking up with a web-camera through the glands [whether penis or clitoris] and that comes up your back and goes straight between your eyes. Like illegal fireworks, they just pop up out of nowhere. Everybody each triggers their own minds [in your wazzoo, the was from before you] that is a spontaneous combustion that will lead you astray because it will blind you to what is being said. That reaction happens very fast. We need a technique so that people will not feel “hurt” because someone is trying to correct them. We need correction. You cant wander through a forest in the dark with only a little flashlight in your hand – you wont see enough [you cant see beyond your beam]. The answer, of course, is a bolt of lightning that will light up the whole forest for you – a flash picture you can use later. But we don’t do that, we don’t listen to what’s being said, we fake listen. We don’t pay attention, we don’t ask the person to repeat or to clarify what he meant. Instead we take offense at what the other person did not mean [Tannen, “that’s not what I meant”].

The mission is to try to juxtapose semiotics. Indicate the meaning of what is said in a way both can understand. The quickest way to that is hand gestures. Hand gestures are like italics – tells you which way things are going. Bostrofedon [?] – that things go both ways – as in Egyptian hieroglyphics [animals face you – read against the image of the animal facing you]. Know grammar, the figurative depends on it. Noun-verbs, or gerunds [“he’s got a thick skull”]. The ancient Bonpo used skull-bowls – a figurative object. Jews still use this. Listen to country music. The old figurative language [“slanguage”] can still be found in the culture – Egyptian soap operas. French language is highly context dependent. Why do people misunderstand each other – new language every five years. “I’m like” [likened onto] means that whatever comes next is an analogy or an allegory or a parable or a metaphor. Not understanding idiomatic speech means that we don’t leave any room for other idioms, other minds to say it their way. We all become thought policemen – people don’t seek meaning. Evil meant error [“prayers of the cosmos”]. Meta-language is a language about language, not about the real world, and certainly not about the person you are talking to.

Try to teach people with a demonstration of meaningful icons throughout history, not just from what we know – not just McDonalds but from way in the past – the Bonpos that Jesus was. He was a Bonpo priest [“the lost years of Jesus”].

1820s, decoded the Rosetta stone. The religions work against each other instead of parallel. In the Book of John, John is quoting from the Rig-Veda. Indo-Persian text. Persian religions covered the whole Middle East out to Japan. Heretics are usually Persians. Albajensians, Nastorians. John Paul II and the patriarch of Syria got together and agreed that it was only a linguistic difference – they just misunderstood what they were saying. No one could understand the way they had written things.

The Jesuits own the dogma and are constantly rewriting it to suit their own socio-economic needs so they can sell their twistings to the rich. Insects – people in, not out who are able to not do the work but control the cash flow.

The medical profession has been used as an allegory for all levels of abstraction. Depression and behavior are not medical problems but are being treated as such. These are not final common pathways. Another important pathway, which people cannot understand, and that is the seizure or the seizure-fit which comes from the thinking. MRIs and body-scans will not get to the person’s “hidden underlying meaning”, the “humbog”, the humus, earth, soil [earth indicators]. There is earth, air, fire, water, and ether. These are not physical but the mental world – elemental, which has to do with the mind. The mind mints its own meaning. Paranoid schizophrenia is actually “parallel-minded heterophrenia”. The problem with heterophrenia is it is hetero-glossolalia – a different gloss to what is being said [lalia is talk]. We need the gloss, or glossaries

Private schools and public schools [common schools]. Early books had the meaning in red [the rubric] between the lines. Meanings came through many translations – Latin, German, French, Greek. Greeks took over and eliminated the Hebrew letters – totally confused everybody because you can’t transliterate idiom.

The two sexes think opposite in different ways [type-talk].

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Lecture Notes

The Ryder Deck: overhead underlying and around us [this level].

Represented by:

Clubs do it my way cause that’s the right way. Duty. Will club you if you dont
Hearts interested in feelings, calm down
Diamonds transcend those other feelings. Wants to talk
Spades don’t want to talk, they want to fight, action

They are all right.

The executive: don’t side with anybody but phrase it for them so they can all work together. Some are there to execute you, though.

An artist must learn to deal with all these kinds of people. Become an executive, or hire one, have a friend or wife who is one.


Robert Gross, “the conspiracy of ignorance”

But each of them comes out of their own field — Piled higher and deeper.

Hamburg zoo

We’re off to the hamburg zoo to see the elephant and the wild kangaroo-oo-oo and we’ll all stick together in all sorts of weather and we’ll all see the whole show through. Stepping on to the next cage we see the strange case of the African rinocerous. Rhino meaning nose and sore meaning piles [choras]. Stepping on to the next cage, we see the three flying monkey, mimbo, jimbo, and bimbo. Mimbo does a flying somersault in the air and flys up jimbo’s aperture. Jimbo makes a double flying somersault in the air and flys up mimbo’s aperture. Mimbo does a triple flying somersault in the air and flys up his own aperture, leaving the room in total darkness [his own point of view].

The joke shifts syntax.


They don’t like elitism and white males are elitist.

The power is not with the teachers. Its with independent learning, going out on your own to the library.

Parents don’t have the knowledge to know what’s needed and not needed, latin, for instance.

We are two generations away of knowing – grandpa still knows. When we get to three generations, we cant pull it back , its gone – 100 years.

Data-banks have no meaning unless you have outside sources of meaning.

2 decades ago they said kids raised on TV have no model. There cosmology is based on TV – just titillation.

Take the logic and reasoning out of the Jesuit elite and give it to everybody.

What’s important in life? Not entertainment or sports.

The whole idea of tenure is that teachers would be free of political pressures. Now you cant even talk without double-bind political pressures that punish you for political incorrectness.

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MANDALA – the house of a diety who’s enlightened in a certain way. Like the catholic saints [old gods who are helpers to the top god]. You become kalachakra

The house of a diety who’s enlightened in a certain way. Like the catholic saints [old gods who are helpers to the top god]. You become kalachakra Continue reading

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Twin Towers of Subjective Clueless Feelings without Christ-Crossed Wireless Connection

Every disaster is viewable from many points of view. Each person strikes his own impression without knowing the others’. My father said, ‘Look at everyone’s point of view.’ He was a nurturing type…but [looking at everyone’s point of view] is very difficult to do. This sculpture came out of my thinking of the many sides of the 9-11 disaster. Irony always strikes me as pointing the way to many factors. Unaware, we in the United States trained the terrorists to do what they did. In hindsight we can see that terrorists didn’t pay attention to take-offs and landings [in aviation training], but were only interested in their own purposes. The Twin Towers here has vertical offices, but they were not thinking of the third tower located in the Middle East. The intention of the third tower in the Middle East is lost to us, and the media stresses our side and ignores theirs. The third tower was operating in a different scenario, and in fact, the terrorist bosses thought that only two or three floors would be blown up; instead, both buildings collapsed. Why this would be was never explained, but it was never the intent of the perpetrators.

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